My breast reduction surgery – continued

It is 26 days since my surgery.

Today I had a perplexing visit to a bra shop where I got measured and they told me my cup size was G! I was like, ‘I don’t think so, I was an F before I had the reduction!’. Maybe she was new?

Anyway, I’ve ended up with a tightly fitting sports bra that’s keeping my boobs nice and still and supported. In white so I can wear it under more clothes than the compression garment.

Tonight I went for a walk with the lovely around the river. The breeze was cool and I had a t-shirt on so no overheating! A little bit of pain but considering I’d worked a full day, driven to work and back (with seatbelt assistance) I thought that was pretty good. My knees probably hurt more!

I’ve still got quite a while to go before my next appointment, so I’ll just potter along – hopefully. The only worry is a slight reddening on skin that is not surgically altered. I’m watching and waiting to see if it develops any further.

Wishing you all the happiness the Universe can bring,

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